Get the Most Out of Your Poker HUD

With pokercraft you have your own personal poker tracker, which records all of your wins & loses. Use this poker hand converter to make your hand histories sharable on forums and social media. Include replayer link hide results hide player names. Create animated replays of poker hands you've played online or hands can then be posted anywhere online (on your blog, forums, etc.). 

Poker is quickly becoming the most famous card game in the world. There is something about looking another player straight in the face and bluffing your way to the pile of chips in the center of the table. Ask any player if poker is a game of skill or luck and you will get a different answer every time. Live poker is a game that requires not only good card and math skills but also an understanding of the human nature and emotions. Online poker on the other hand feels more robotic and analytical to the layman’s eye. You have your basic setup - a table with players and cards and chips, but there is nothing more available to the gambler to base his decisions upon. No nervous nail baiters, no smiles or ticks or any other dead giveaways of what the opponent is holding. Just the cards and the virtual chips and everyone is on an even playing field.

In the top left part of the screen you can see button to control “Stats Groups”. You can create, delete, import and export groups. Groups are needed to merge stats. You can see two groups. “Player Stats” show stats displayed on the tables. In the “Table Stats” there are located overall stats for the table. You can invest your own stats groups. For example, one part of stats can display always, other part only when the mouse is over on the given area. You can tune this slightly to the right in “Group Properties”, in “Display Type”. Also, you can rename “Stats Group”, for whom it will be displayed: “Everyone”, “Everyone But Hero”, “Hero Only” or “Table Averages”. You can define “Separator”, “Padding” and “Arrange in Grid”, “Background color” and “Opacity”. After playing with these settings, you can get really awesome HUD. You can configure Popups windows for each “Popups Groups”, by clicking on the “Assign Popups” tab.

Being familiar with modern poker is definitely a requirement of everyone on the PokerTracker team. For me it really helps to understand current poker strategy so that I can understand what the needs of our users are and what they struggle with at the tables. Although I am just one of many developers on our team, I feel it’s very important for everyone on our team to know first hand what it’s like to try and keep up with twelve tables at once and to understand what data is most important and what data can be put off a few seconds. We actually made several large changes to how we query the database for statistical information so that it was more feasible to multi-table on older hardware, we understand that not all players use the most recent technology. Without a good insight of the needs of poker players it becomes very hard to make those decisions;, understanding how to merge the limitations of technology with our customer’s needs is one thing that is really setting us apart from our competition right now.

We can also use this when considering value lines. Say we open raise with 77 and a 20/10 3b: 2% FoldvCB: 76% FoldvTurnCB: 33% calls in position and we see a flop of J73. We CB and he calls. The turn comes a 3 and it is our action. We know that he folds to CB’s a decent amount, so when he continues, he does so with a hand that he deems as fairly strong. But we also see that once he calls the CB, he tends not to fold to double barrels. So we can make a largely sized value double barrel, say 85%PSB, in order to max value all the way down. If he had a FoldvTurnCB of 75% then I might make a smaller bet to encourage a wider part of his range to continue, or even go for a CR instead. Again, take lines that are based on more than just his VPIP and PFR.

Incorporating a poker Heads Up Display, like the most popular poker HUD at the moment Hand2Note - and player statistics into your strategy lets you increase your bb/100 win-rate. You can control more pots, bluff weak players and know when you’re behind on flop, turn or river. We agree it can seem a little scary paying for something you have no clue about, but we honestly recommend anyone who plays cash tables even at the micro-stakes level should get one. In fact, if you’re multi-tabling at Nl25 or above then you practically need one to make real profits. Most poker players actually get stuck at these stakes, because there’s such a steep gap between NL25 and NL100, you need to be far more aggressive and even 4bet regularly at these stakes. We think overall you’ll need to use live tracking software like Hand2Note to do this, and if you’ve watched any training videos from the pros then you’ll see them using this.
